The main objective of the OIG project is to develope an innovative outbreak investigation game with its contents for use in veterinary education.
The game will offer:
- effective training of the skills needed to handle demanding outbreak situations and make a timely diagnosis – in a safe environment
- students to practise autonomy and receive feedback based on their decisions
- a possibility to learn from anywhere and an opportunity for life-long learning
- a cost-efficient way of contingency preparation
- enhanced collaboration within and between faculties
After playing the game scenarios student is able to
- apply clinical reasoning based on previous studies to effectively select animals for examination and integrate this information in the investigation of a possible outbreak.
- ask appropriate questions and utilize epidemiological data in an outbreak investigation.
- make an initial case definition and develop it.
- differentiate between sporadic cases and a disease outbreak.
- define the population at risk.
- make a list of differential diagnoses.
- choose appropriate diagnostic strategies, interpret and apply the results.
- choose the most likely diagnosis based on the investigation results.
- take appropriate actions in a relevant order during investigation.
- take actions in different veterinary roles adhering to the animal disease regulations at national and international levels.
- formulate preventive measures to avoid the spread of disease.
- make decisions in complex scenarios and use critical thinking.